Tuesday 29 July 2008

Stuff to see on the River Lea

Sunday morning, Em and the kids away, so the time was perfect for a couple of hours on the bike. As I always cycle along the River Lea from the 'stow into Islington, I decided to head north.

Just above Tottenham Hale lock are a couple of lovely old barges (above) Or at least, that's what I thought. But Granny Buttons says they're part of a concerted attempt to regenerate the 'Tottenham waterfront', and are permanently moored office spaces. He's a bit sniffy about them. Me, I just like looking at nice boats.

If they really do want to do something about the waterfront, they might think about closing down the waste incinerator that lurks outside the North Circular;

Instead, they've had the brilliant idea of renaming it 'The London Waste Eco-Park'. I'm sure the people campaigning against the new plan to hike up the amount of stuff the plant burns are that impressed. Is this the most unlikely thing to have been rebranded with an 'Eco' prefix?

Still, just up-river were some geese. A flock, I think. They looked cute, so I took a photo;

I made it all the way to Waltham Abbey, had a bacon sandwich in a very nice riverside caff, and came home. Pausing only to take this snap of a woman sculling on the river just by Walthamstow marshes. Well done, madam!


Andrew said...

Thanks for the link!
I'm not against the idea of old-looking boats being moored there. I'm not against new boats being moored there.

Rather, I'm against the fixed 'business barges' rather than real boats.

All they do is deprive real boats of valuable mooring space, and are effectively just 'building over the water'.

Matt said...

Hi Andrew -

Fair enough - after all, what are barges, if not for business? Even the ones used for 'pleasure'.

Maybe when the river once again becomes a working thoroughfare (and weren't the materials used for the Olympics supposed to be transported by barge?) then we should think about moving them. But at the moment they're not taking up anyone else's space...